“Whom created me thus whom enlighten me, whom feed and water me, and if get sick whom cure me, whom take my life then greets me back, and whom I hope to forgive my sins in the last day” Abraham - Holly book
To build up knowledge is all the mission, influenced by our vision that medical cure human seek is already, around us.
Ayub Research mission is to research and discover the unique power of certain plants against serious illnesses. It started with frankincense against cancer using all possible scientific tools by the evidence-based approach.
The project born in 2006 as a collaborative research as an independent research program, self-sponsored.
Mahmoud Suhail (Lt) and HK Lin, first met in physical, Oklahoma 2010
Mahmoud Suhail, Salalah - Oman, 2009
Ayub S42 research project is the core of our work, researching medical significance of Boswellia sacra, specifically, anti-malignant properties.
AYUB: Job the prophet, S42: phrase of holly book where Job was instructed by the lord to get his cure. First Boswellia sacra tree sampled for the research was near AYUB tomb near Salalah and so the name of our first patient!
The research is more an A-to-Z study, from plant biology, ecology, biochemistry, endophytes, to extraction, fractionation, and purification techniques, through analytic chemistry, in-vitro cellular and tissue bioassay, and animal study, till human cases study.
Salalah - Oman, 2010
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
HK Lin, AYUB (Job) tomb, near Salalah, 2015
Salalah - Oman, 2011
Ayub research included few other plants for its related medical and health significance, namely Commiphora myrrha (Myrrh), Nigella sativa (Bless Seed), Commiphora gileadensis (Balm of Mecca) and Dracaena socotrana (Dragon Blood).
Ayub research projects currently running; AyubS42, Imucure, and Arurax.
From Oman to USA, Egypt, Jordan, and recently to Turkey, over past decade, the research journey is ongoing.
John Whetten, Salalah - Oman, 2009
Mahmoud Suhail, Utah - USA, 2010
Jamal Ariba, Salalah - Oman, 2010
Cole Woolley, Mahmoud Suhail, Utah - USA, 2010
Ayub Lab, Salalah - Oman, 2013
Cairo - Egypt, 2013
Cairo - Egypt , 2013
Mahmoud Suhail, Salalah - Oman, 2014
Aws Leki, Boswellia sacra Boswellic acids unit, 2017
Salalah - Oman, 2014
Zaid Al Najjar, Amman - Jordan, 2016
Saif Qasim 2018
Saif Qasim, 2019
Salalah-Oman, 2010
Mahmoud Suhail, Cole, Woolley, HK Lin, Utah - USA, 2010
John Whetten, Cole Woolley, Mahmoud Suhail, Utah - USA, 2012
Zaid Al Najjar, Salalah - Oman, 2011
Mahmoud Suhail, Utah - USA, 2010
HK Lin, Utah - USA, 2010
Inside Ayub lab, Salalah - Oman, 2013
Zaid Al Najjar & Cole Woolley, Dhofar mountains - Oman, 2013
HK Lin, Oklahoma - USA, 2012
Cole Woolley, Salalah- Oman, 2014
Mahmoud Suhail, 2019